How To Create A Free (Simple) Privacy Policy Page For Blogger

You’re working on a BlogSpot blog… Great! But do you remember adding a privacy policy page on your blog?

Well, don’t worry! In this post, I am gonna share a complete step-by-step guide on how to create a free privacy policy page for Blogger.

Before going further, you should know the importance of having a privacy policy page on your blog. So let us first discuss the benefits of adding a privacy policy page to your blog.

Our Privacy Policy Page:

Importance of a Privacy Policy Page

Blogger itself does not require a privacy policy page. But it is mandatory to add it to your blog if you are:

  • Collecting user data (Email, Phone, etc.) via email newsletters,
  • Showing advertisements (or using affiliate links) on your blog,
  • Analyzing your blog traffic (using Google Analytics),
  • Selling products on your blog,
  • Doing/accepting guest posts or
  • Using any other 3rd party services, etc.

Then, you need to add a privacy policy page to your blog.

No matter whether you are doing any of these things or not, I personally recommend you to add a privacy policy and Contact Us page to your blog.

I think the above points are enough to explain the importance of privacy policy in a blog. Let us know how you can add a free privacy policy page to your blog.

[ctt template=”10″ link=”o3di6″ via=”no” nofollow=”yes”]Why You Should Create a Privacy Policy Page on Your Blog/Website?[/ctt]

How to Create a free Privacy Policy Page for your Blog?

There are numerous free & paid privacy policy generators available over the internet. In this tutorial, I am using for creating a free privacy policy for Blogger. Let’s see how to do it.

Step 1: Visit

Step 2: Choose a Plan. As we are creating a free privacy policy for our blog, so let’s choose the basic plan which is free. (You can choose other plans too based on your requirements)

Privacy Policy Page Generator For Blogger

Step 3: After you choose a plan, scroll below & enter your blog details.

Website Address: Enter your blog address (

Company Name: If you have registered a Company based on your blog, then you can add your company name (e.g. Google LLC). If you have not registered any company then you can simply enter your blog title (FullTechHelp).

State or Location: Enter the state of your residential address (e.g. Uttarakhand, India)

Policy Effective Date: Add the date from which your privacy policy will be effective. (You can use current date)

Check Mark the box saying “I understand & agree to the disclaimer

Privacy Policy Page Generator For Blogger

Step 3: After you have filled all the required fields, simply click on Generate Terms Button. And just click on Copy to Clipboard to copy your Privacy Policy.

How To Create A Free Privacy Policy Page For Blogger

That’s how you can create a privacy policy for your blog. Let us now add this privacy policy to our BlogSpot blog.

Step 4: Visit your Blogger dashboard. Create a new page & paste your copied privacy policy in the text area.

How To Create A Free Privacy Policy Page For Blogger

Hit Publish & Your Privacy Policy page is now ready! This is how you can create a free privacy policy page for Blogger.

I hope you like this step-by-step tutorial. Do you have a privacy policy page on your blog? If Yes, then how you’ve created it? Let me know in the comment section!

P.S. WordPress users can also take the help of for creating free privacy policy & terms of service page for their blog.

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  1. There is no option for generating a free Privacy Policy on the sponsored website. I think it is utterly unethical on the part of the present blogger to recommend this site by giving misleading information just to earn money through sponsorship.